How important is the Customer Experience? Learn the statistics

How important is the Customer Experience? Learn the statistics

Wonderingif you are doing enough to meet customer expectations? Are you developing customer service to keep up with technology? Is your company’s customer service the best possible representation of your brand? Learn the statistics that show the importance of customer satisfaction.

A customer is four times more likely to buy from a competitor if the problem is related to service, not price or the product itself

link: Bain & Company

Majority of Americans chose not to make purchases due solely to poor Customer Experience

Link: American Express

It takes 12 positive customer experiences to compensate for one negative experience

Link:Ruby Newell-Legner “Understanding Customers”

Attracting a new customer costs 6-7 times more than retaining an existing customer

Link: Kolsky

70% of the shopping experience depends on how the customer feels treated

Link: McKinsey & Company

62% of customers say they share their bad experiences with others

Link: Salesforce Research

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